Until recently I used the plugin “Advertising Manager”. However, I am not quite satisfied the set of its capabilities. For example, the inability to display scheduled advertisements, or the inability to display ads in the posts only certain categories. Etc.
That’s why I wrote my own plugin to control the advertising on the blog – Simple Ads Manager. I tried to create a plugin that will satisfy most requests of any blogger to manage advertising on the blog. And I think I managed it.
Simple Ads Manager is easy to use plugin providing a flexible logic of displaying advertisements.
More info you can find in this article…
- Flexible logic of advertisements rotation based on defined weight of each advertisement in group (Ads Place)
- Custom default ad for each Ads Place Allowed types of ad’s codes are HTML, javascript, PHP
- Codes of Google DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) supports
- More flexibility of displaying ads by using Ads Zone selector
- Outputting ads as widget
- Outputting ads as shortcodes in any place of single post/page content
- Outputting ads in any place of theme template using output functions
- Customizable outputting ads as block of ads
- Automatic outputting ads in single post/page if allowed
- Customizable limitation of displaying advertisements by types of page
- Customizable limitation of displaying advertisements on single post page by post ID (IDs)
- Customizable limitation of displaying advertisements on single post page or category archive page by category (categories)
- Customizable limitation of displaying advertisements on single post page or author archive page by author (authors)
- Customizable limitation of displaying advertisements on single post page or tag archive page by tag (tags)
- Customizable limitation of displaying advertisements on custom type single post page or custom type archive page by Custom Type (Types)
- Customizable blocking of displaying advertisements on single post/page by post/page ID (IDs)
- Customizable blocking of displaying advertisements on single post page or category archive page by category (categories)
- Customizable blocking of displaying advertisements on single post page or author archive page by author (authors)
- Customizable blocking of displaying advertisements on single post page or tag archive page by tag (tags)
- Customizable blocking of displaying advertisements on custom type single post page or custom type archive page by Custom Type (Types)
- Schedule of displaying each advertisement if allowed
- Customizable limitation of displaying advertisements by hits
- Customizable limitation of displaying advertisements by clicks
- Statistics of hits
- Statistics of clicks (your own advertisement image mode)
- Customizable accuracy of bots and crawlers detection
- Counting revenue from ads placement, display ads and clicks on advertisements
Available languages
- English
- Russian
- German by Fabian Krenzler and Ulrich Simon
- Belarusian by Alexander Ovsov (Web Geek Sciense)
- Spanish by xiaobai_wp
- Italian by Alfredo
The Concept
The main object of the plugin is “Ads Place“. Each Ads Place is a container for the advertisements and provides the logic of the show and rotation. In addition, one of the parameters of advertising space is “patch ad code”, ie ad to be shown if and only if the logic of ads this Ads Place does not permit to show none of the advertisements contained in this Ads Place. One Ads Place can contain any number of objects “advertisement”.
Object “advertisement” rigidly attached to his container “Ads Place”. Its parameters determine frequency (weight) of displaying and limiting displaying from “show all pages” to “show the articles with ID … ” and show from date to date (the schedule).
Additional object “Ads Zone” is selector developed for increasing the flexibility of displaying ads. This optional object can be useful for conducting advertising campaigns using a large number of promotional materials.
The additional object “Ads Block” allows to display the block of advertisements.
- Upload the plugin folder to the folder
- Activate the plugin on the Plugins page
- Configure your plugin to meet your needs
- Create an Ads Spaces in the right quantity and fill them with advertisements
Go to the page Ads->Settings
Views per Cycle – the number of impressions an ad for one cycle of rotation, provided that this ad has maximum weight (the activity). In other words, if the number of hits in the series is 1000, an ad with a weight of 10 will be shown in 1000, and the ad with a weight of 3 will be shown 300 times.
Do not set this parameter to a value less than the maximum number of visitors which may simultaneously be on your site – it may violate the logic of rotation.
Not worth it, though it has no special meaning, set this parameter to a value greater than the number of hits your web pages during a month. Optimal, perhaps, is the value to the daily shows website pages.
Display Ad Source in – you can display advertisement target in new or current window (tab). Select target window (tab).
Auto Inserting Settings – here you can select the Ads Places and allow the display of their ads before and after the content of single post.
Google DFP Settings – if you want to use codes of Google DFP rotator, you must allow it’s using and define your pub-code.
Statistics Settings
Bots and Crawlers detection
For obtaining of more exact indexes of statistics and incomes it is preferable to exclude data about visits of bots and crawlers from the data about all visits of your blog. If enabled and bot or crawler is detected, hits of ads won’t be counted. Select accuracy of detection but use with caution – more exact detection requires more server resources.
Allow Bots and Crawlers detection – If allowed, hits of detected bot won’t be counted.
Accuracy of Bots and Crawlers Detection:
- Inexact detection – This method is based on an analysis of the request header. Inaccurate method.
- Exact detection – This method uses the Browser library by Chris Schuld for detection of bots. Recommended.
- More exact detection – This method uses “browscap” data for bots detection. Very exact and very slow method. If browscap not defined in your php.ini, this method is unavailable.
Display of Currency:
- Auto – auto detection of currency from blog settings.
- USD – Forcing the display of currency to U.S. dollars.
- EUR – Forcing the display of currency to Euro.
Ads Place creation and configuration
Go to your list of Ads Places (Ads -> Ads Places) and click the “Add New Place”. In the opened editor window configure current Ad Place.
Enter a name and a description of the Ads Place. In principle, it is not mandatory parameters, because these parameters don’t influence anything, but experience suggests that after a while all IDs usually will be forgotten and such information may be useful.
Ads Place Size – in this version is only for informational purposes only, but in future I plan to use this option. It is desirable to expose the real size.
Ads Place Patch – it’s an ad that will appear in the event that the logic of basic ads outputing of this Ads Place on the current page will not be able to choose a single basic ad for displaying. For example, if all basic announcements are set to displaying only on archives pages or single pages, in this case the patch ad of Ads Place will be shown on the Home page. Conveniently to use the patch ad of Ads Place where you sell the advertising place for a limited time – after the time expiration of ordered ad will appear patch ad. It may be a banner leading to your page of advertisement publication costs or a banner from AdSense.
Patch can be defined:
- as combination of the image URL and target page URL
- as HTML code or javascript code
- as name of Google DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) block
If you select the first option (image mode), tools to download/choosing of downloaded image banner become available for you.
Codes – as Ads Place can be inserted into the page code not only as widget, but as a short code or by using function, you can use code “before” and “after” for centering or alignment of Ads Place on the place of inserting or for something else you need. Use HTML tags.
Advertisement creation and configuration
Go to the list of Ads Places (Ads -> Ads Places), move the mouse to the desired Ads Place, select in the row menu that appears “View Ads” for the transition to the advertisements list of this Ads Place or “Add Ad” for the transition to the editor of a new ad. If you went to the list of ads, click on “Add New Ad”.
Enter a name and a description of the advertisement. These parameters are optional, because don’t influence anything, but help in the visual identification of the ad (do not forget which is which).
Ad Code – code can be defined as a combination of the image URL and target page URL, or as HTML code, javascript code, or PHP code (for PHP-code don’t forget to set the checkbox labeled “This code of ad contains PHP script). If you select the first option (image mode) you can keep statistics of clicks and also tools for uploading/selecting the downloaded image banner becomes available to you.
Restrictions of Advertisement Showing
Ad Weight – coefficient of frequency of show of the advertisement for one cycle of advertisements rotation.
0 – ad is inactive, 1 – minimal activity of this advertisement, 10 – maximal activity of this ad.
Restrictions by the type of pages – select restrictions:
- Show ad on all pages of blog
- Show ad only on pages of this type – ad will appear only on the pages of selected types
- Show ad only in certain posts – ad will be shown only on single posts pages with the given IDs (ID items separated by commas, no spaces)
Additional restrictions
- Show ad only in single posts or categories archives of certain categories – ad will be shown only on single posts pages or category archive pages of the specified categories
- Show ad only in single posts or authors archives of certain authors – ad will be shown only on single posts pages or author archive pages of the specified authors
Use the schedule for this ad – if necessary, select checkbox labeled “Use the schedule for this ad” and set start and finish dates of ad campaign.
Use limitation by hits – Use this parameter for limiting displaying of ad by hits.
Use limitation by clicks – Use this parameter for limiting displaying of ad by clicks.
Prices – your prices for that ad.
- Ad placement per month – used only for scheduled ads.
- Per Thousand Hits – Not only humans visit your blog, bots and crawlers too. In order not to deceive an advertiser, you must enable the detection of bots and crawlers.
- Per Click – To calculate the earnings on clicks, you must enable counting of clicks for that ad.
Ads Zone creation and configuration
Ads Zone is selector that used to select the appropriate Ads Place for each type of displayed page.
Go to your list of Ads Zones (Ads -> Ads Zones) and click the “Add New Zone”. In the opened editor window configure current Ads Zone.
Enter a name and a description of the Ads Zone.
Select default Ads Place.
Select the appropriate Ads Places for each type of page, category or author or leave “Default” value. You can block displaying Ads Place on needed type of page selecting “None” value.
Ads Block creation and configuration
Ads Block used for outputting block of ads.
Go to your list of Ads Blocks (Ads -> Ads Blocks) and click the “Add New Block”. In the opened editor window configure current Ads Block.
Enter a name and a description of the Ads Block.
Enter number of lines and columns of Ads Block. After changing these properties you must save Ads Block settings before using Ads Block Editor.
Configure styles for Ads Block and Block’s items. Use Stylesheet rules for defining these properties. For example: url(sheep.png) center bottom no-repeat
for background property or 5px solid red
for border property.
Important Note: As the Ads Block is the regular structure, predefined styles of individual items for drawing Ads Block’s elements aren’t used. Define styles for Ads Block Items on Ads Block Editor page!
Customize Ads Block structure (select Ads Place or Ads Zone or Single Ad for each item of block).
There are three variants for output: widgets, short codes, the function… and auto inserting…
Go to the widgets page (Appearance->Widgets). In the area of available widgets locate widget “Ads Place” and drag it to the necessary sidebar. You can also use widgets “Ads Zone” and “Single Ad”.
Configure your widget:
- Title – title of widget. If not needed, leave empty.
- Ads Place – select Ads Place from a list of all Ads Places.
- Hide widget style – in some theme templates it is necessary for the sidebar in the blog header.
- Allow using previously defined “before” and “after” codes of Ads Place – these are the codes that are defined for each Ads Place as “code before” and “code after”.
Widgets “Ads Zone” and “Single Ad” can be configured in the same way.
Shortcode “sam” enables you to insert Ads Place anywhere in the post’s content.
- id – ID of Ads Place
- codes – allow or not allow to use Ads Place codes “before” and “after”. Default “false”
Shortcode “sam_zone” enables you to insert Ads Zone anywhere in the post’s content.
- id – ID of Ads Zone
- codes – allow or not allow to use Ads Place codes “before” and “after”. Default “false”
Shortcode “sam_ad” enables you to insert Single Ad anywhere in the post’s content.
- id – ID of Ad
- codes – allow or not allow to use Ads Place codes “before” and “after”. Default “false”
Shortcode “sam_block” enables you to insert Ads Block anywhere in the post’s content.
- id – ID of Ads Zone
Output functions
In order that would insert Ads in any place of theme template, use the drawAdsPlace, drawAdsZone or drawAd functions.
Output functions are defined as follows:
- args – array, which may include id (ID of Ads Place) or/and name (the name of Ads Place, not recommended)
- codes – bool|array, allow or not allow to use Ads Place codes “before” and “after”. Default “false”. If bool value, codes ‘before’ and ‘after’ will be received from Ads Place record. If array value, codes ‘before’ and ‘after’ will be received from array.
Auto Inserting
Designed for automatic insertion of ad codes before and after the content of single post. Configuring is on plugin settings page.
At first glance, it might seem that the plugin is too heavy – as did 500 kb codes. But do not be terrified ahead of time, the plugin is using the technology of saving resources. In other words, in the Face Side is loading only 23 kb of codes, of which 21 kb PHP-code and 2 kb javascript code. Everything else are extentions for the admin mode, and even then, not all are loading en masse, but only if necessary.
Video Lessons:
Donations List
Many thanks to everyone who supports the development of this plugin:
Michael Kiepert, Andrea Vacondio
© 2011 – 2018, minimus. All rights reserved.
I’m having a very annoying problem with this plugin. I have a couple of guest users who use their own AdSense, so I want to make it so that their adsense ads show up on their own articles, but I can only add myself as a user. It seems their user permissions make it so that they do not appear on the list of people I can select. Can this be fixed?
Total Comments by Breki Tomasson: 5
I’m also getting a weird bug with php drawAdsPlace. I use it like this:
But it shows me the content of another AdPlace. I’ve got three different ad places, and when I use the name of nr 1, it shows me the contents of nr. 2. When I use the name for nr 2, it shows me nothing. When I use the name of nr 3, it shows me the contents of nr. 1. Very weird behavior.
Total Comments by Breki Tomasson: 5
I need to display different ads on different custom taxonomy archives. Do you plan to add this functionality?
For example, I have a custom post type “products”. I have a taxonomy “product lines”. One of the terms in my taxnomy is “wine”. I want to show an ad only on the “wine” taxonomy archive page.
Total Comment by ZigPress: 1
When activating the plugin – I have a problem with the editing windows for “pages” and “articles” – there is no menu (like Bold, Italic, Underline etc.) visible – this occurs – as far as I have tested – only in Firefox. IE 9 shows everything in a correct way.
I tested 3 different WordPress installations (different servers, different other plugins installed etc.) and the behaviour was always the same. all such installations were up2date.
Any idea for a solution?
Total Comments by dirk: 2
no idea here?
Total Comments by dirk: 2
I’ve discovered another bug. On two of my pages on //www.csicon.org, the plugin fails to display anything. All normal posts work fine, but on the two posts that are related to “Ender’s Game”, the plugin simply doesn’t load – it doesn’t even show the header for the Widget and doesn’t display anything when I try to display it via PHP. Any thoughts?
Total Comments by Breki Tomasson: 5
After further testing, it seems all posts that have a tag with an apostrophe in it, like Conan O’Brien, Ender’s Game and Assassin’s Creed break this plugin on my installation.
Total Comments by Breki Tomasson: 5
If I comment out the entire if(!empty($tags)) section in ad.class.php, things begin working properly, so there is definitely a bug in your tag translation code there that breaks when there’s an apostrophe in the tag.
Total Comments by Breki Tomasson: 5
Thanks for extended testing! I’ll try to resolve this bug in next version of plugin.
I have an urgent query please help me regarding the issue. The plugin is really good and Its very easy to implement on the website, but the issue is I added multiple places on the website and the ads are showing on every page, single post, home, tags and authors page but the places are not showing in category page if I clicked on the category then the ad places are not showing here, I am using wordpress 3.2.1 with “Twentyeleven” theme. Can you please help me out regarding this issue my timeline of the project delievery is near please help you can check this issue on the given link:
I am using this code for the placement:
<?php if(function_exists(‘drawAdsPlace’)) drawAdsPlace(array(‘id’ => 1), true); ?>
Please reply fast.
Total Comments by Owais: 3
Bad news. :(I’m wrong – I should use category slug but I use category name… I’ll be able to resolve this problem (national names of categories) only in next version of plugin… Sorry!
thanks for your reply so can you please tell me what should I do for this issue? Because my client is angry to me and today I have a deadline to complete this project please help.
Total Comments by Owais: 3
Thanks to your support its really easy plugin and I can easily customize it, you just gave me a hint and I replaced it myself. thanks again now its working fine. I am so glad.
Total Comments by Owais: 3
Hi! Thanks for writing this ads plugin. I love how customizable it is.
However, I am now having problems with the plugin. On some of my posts the ads does not show.
here are two links of the posts I’ve made
//pinakbet.net/2011/12/02/bubba-gump-at-greenbelt-3-ayala-center-makati/ (not working)
//pinakbet.net/2011/12/01/papa-johns-pizza-at-brick-road-sta-lucia-mall-2/ (working)
I hope this could be resolved.
Total Comments by Josiah: 3
Try this beta version…
It works! It works! Thank you very much.
Total Comments by Josiah: 3
Hi again,
I also installed the beta version with my travel blog. Though the previous posts where the plugin does not show up had been fixed. My new post did not have the ads show up.
//www.lakas.com.ph/2011/12/travelling-with-the-height-of-5-feet-and-11-inches/ (new and not showing ads)
//www.lakas.com.ph/2011/10/palawan-lexus-shuttle-service/ (previously not showing ads but got fixed when I installed the beta version)
I hope this helps for you to be able to improve the plugin.
Total Comments by Josiah: 3
В wordpress 3.2.1 после установки постоянно в админке висит
Таблица базы данных J7_sam_places не была создана!
Таблица базы данных J7_sam_ads не была создана!
Таблица базы данных J7_sam_zones не была создана!
Таблица базы данных J7_sam_blocks не была создана!
Плагин вроде работает и таблицы есть
Total Comments by Роман: 2
Не находит таблицы по запросу … А точно таблицы есть?
Я использую русскую версию wordpress, проверяю на localhost, все таблицы на месте и рекламные блоки создаются, только вот эта ошибка в админке висит.
Total Comments by Роман: 2
Hello Minimus
I am using WordPress with Arabic & Persian Language
I’m install Simple Ads Manager
Create A New Ad Place But Title For Ads Place Saved In Database : ???????????
i am use Unicode, Please Help Me For Save Title UTF-8 in Database
Thank You For Best Ads Plugin
Total Comments by farzad: 3
What is characterset and collate of your MySQL database?
Hello Again
i am set UTF-8 for Reading WordPress admin in Address: //www.example.com/wp-admin/options-reading.php
i’am set Collation For Base Database To utf8_general_ci and latin1_swedish_ci But Do Not Fix Problem
and Set Collation for sam_ads utf8_general_ci and latin1_swedish_ci but dont fix problem
Please Help Me Again
Total Comments by farzad: 3
WordPress blog characterset must be UTF8
Database caracterset must be UTF8
Database collation must be utf8_general_ci
Database tables (wp_sam-ads, wp_sam_places, wp_sam_zones, wp_sam_blocks) collation must be utf8_general_ci
Example from my test blog:
Hello Again Minimus
i am set all of database & table & wordpress to utf8 & utf8_general_ci.
but do not solve problem and save ???? to database
if i am send host information , are you can help me?
Total Comments by Farzad: 3
Yes, of course!
It is a very nice plugin, though I seem to have lots to learn with it
It is the first WP advertising plugin I have found where I can easily insert Ads into the posts (without havign to use html). The code seems light as well..
Very nice! Will donate
The Dividend Ninja
Total Comment by The Dividend Ninja: 1
I’m trying to use Simple Ad Manager wer 1.1.38 on WP ver. 3.3
I’ve created four Ad Places:
120 x 60 button with one GIF – works well
468 x 60 banner with four rotating GIFs – works well
Two Google AdSense ads – showed up only few times and stopped working.
Google ad code is pasted into “AdsPlace Pach” in HTML or Javascript Code
Any reason why the ads stopped showing?
Total Comments by tomek: 6
More information about the same problem:
I’ve created a new page. The Google ads were displaying when I was viewing this page fist time, but only the first time.
Please help
Total Comments by tomek: 6
hi, absolutely in love with this plugin but i need step by step instructions on how to add ‘ad zone’ codes to my template files.
I just dont know how to do it. will consider donating if you can help!!!!
Total Comments by zahid: 2
You can easily place your ads using widgets without editing any code.
Total Comments by tomek: 6
Tomek gave you good advice! But if you want to place Ads Zone in some place outside widget space you can use function drawAdsZone…
sorted it thanks!
Also, is it possible to add an ad zone outside of wordpress. For example my wordpress is here: //zmanblog.info but I want to add an ad zone on this html/php page: //zmanblog.info/bbmdisplaypics/
Is that possible? And could you give some pointers?
Total Comments by zahid: 2
Sorry, this plugin use several WordPress functions, and therefore it’s impossible to use it on non WordPress pages…
It is a very nice plugin. But widgets ads dont work in category pages. Please help me.
Total Comment by Ali: 1
Yes! This problem exists! I’m preparing patch …
Since you are working on next version:
Could you please add options for alignment in a widget configuration?
In other words, when I’m placing an Ads Place widget in my widgets area I would love to be able to select an alignment for ads displayed in this area.
Thank you for your support
Total Comments by tomek: 6
Hello, Great Plugin! I need to make this work on the category pages as well. Do you know when you might have the patch ready or can you point me in the direction to fix it.
Total Comments by Jeremy: 3
The beta-version will be available tomorrow…
Awesome thanks!!
Total Comments by Jeremy: 3
Simple Ads Manager 1.2 beta-1
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class SimpleAdsManagerAdmin in /…plugins/sam-1.2.beta1_/admin.class.php on line 3
Total Comments by tomek: 6
Delete previous version before installing beta… Do not delete plugin options and data tables…
That worked!
Thank you
Total Comments by tomek: 6
Thanks!!!!! It looks to be working perfect!!!!
Total Comments by Jeremy: 3
This is a really great plug-in. I am still awaiting a fix for the category/archive pages. Is there an ETA on the patch? Download link for the beta doesn’t work.
Total Comment by Michael: 1
This is link to download page …
Hi, how can I use “Ads Blocks” after all of the post or content ?
Total Comment by Ali: 1
function drawAdsBlock…
[…] Simple Ads Manager WP125 AdRotate Ozh’ Who Sees Ads […]
I have successfully used Simple Ads Manger on one site but now am having trouble in a second. When I try to add a new Ad Place, it reloads the page and says, “Ads Place Data Updated.” but the count still says (0) and nothing has been created. Do you know of anything that would cause that?
Total Comment by Becky: 1
It seems to me that the plugin failed to create database tables…
WordPress plugin Simple Ads Manager | SimpleLib //t.co/xkEsKAaN
WordPress plugin Simple Ads Manager | SimpleLib //t.co/3BKLs5uX #wordpress
hi, i have musiclife thmes and i whant to put a block in header but only HTML codes are accepts .. what i can do ??
very thanks sorry for my english.
Total Comments by Tony: 4
Use function drawAdsPlace…
very thanks… can center the ad too ? he is left orientated…
Total Comments by Tony: 4
ops sorry i have see now the styles !! very thanks !
Total Comments by Tony: 4
look at //www.Chitarristi.org over the Promo sx down
Total Comments by Tony: 4
Hello, I was using your plugin “Simple Ads Manager”, while I was testing areas with ADS ZONE, I set up ads zone with two different banner, and a terrible thing has happened!
The theme has encountered a problem it can not recover from That. Please Use the following information to try to resolve the problem.
Error Code: php_code_error: 1: / web / htdocs / //www.heavyduty.it / home / wp-content / themes / swift / header.php (114): regexp code (1): eval () ‘d code (1) : eval () ‘d code: 1: Can not redeclare evallwhvfivnwpbt () (Previously Declared in / web / htdocs / //www.heavyduty.it / home / wp-content / themes / swift / admin / admin-header.php (77) : regexp code (1): eval () ‘d code (1): eval ()’ d code: 1)
Message: A fatal error occurred code.
Debug Data:
[0] => Array
[file] => /web/htdocs/www.heavyduty.it/home/wp-content/plugins/tabber-widget/lib/classes/it-error.php
[line] => 123
[function] => fatal
[class] => ITError
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => php_code_error:1:/web/htdocs/www.heavyduty.it/home/wp-content/themes/swift/header.php(114) : regexp code(1) : eval()’d code(1) : eval()’d code:1:Cannot redeclare evallwhvfivnwpbt() (previously declared in /web/htdocs/www.heavyduty.it/home/wp-content/themes/swift/admin/admin-header.php(77) : regexp code(1) : eval()’d code(1) : eval()’d code:1)
[1] => A fatal code error occurred.
[1] => Array
[file] => /web/htdocs/www.heavyduty.it/home/wp-content/plugins/tabber-widget/lib/classes/it-error.php
[line] => 150
[function] => handle_error
[class] => ITError
[type] => ::
[args] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => Cannot redeclare evallwhvfivnwpbt() (previously declared in /web/htdocs/www.heavyduty.it/home/wp-content/themes/swift/admin/admin-header.php(77) : regexp code(1) : eval()’d code(1) : eval()’d code:1)
[2] => /web/htdocs/www.heavyduty.it/home/wp-content/themes/swift/header.php(114) : regexp code(1) : eval()’d code(1) : eval()’d code
[3] => 1
[2] => Array
[function] => it_error_shutdown
[args] => Array
Can you help me? I’m desperate!
Total Comment by Gloria Vasselli: 1
Search a trojan in your blog…
I found a major problem with the plugin. If access to wp-admin is blocked for the public (which happens if you limit access to that folder by .htaccess, a very valuable security step), then the admin-ajax.php script cannot be loaded and click-tracking does not occur. Suggestions???? Help??
Total Comment by Fred: 1
is it possible to agg all ad statistics to a single page to be displayed to a 3rd party client…in other words…can i display all the stats on a page in wordpress?
Total Comment by cblock: 1
This feature is in roadmap…
Is it possible to disable all ads on the homepage?
Total Comment by Luke: 1
Use parameters of each ad to disable displaying on homepage…
Any chance in the next update unless i’m missing it now. The ability to Rotate ad blocks on refresh? also what is the eta for next update?
Total Comments by John Colver: 2
Minimus are you available to hire? I have the plugin installed and working except for use with Categories and Custom Post types. I already posted a thread in the forum, but am happy to hire you to assist me to get this last piece working as I would like to launch my site this week.
Please email me and I will briefly explain block with access to my wp-admin. I am registered with the payoneer system for other programmers I have hired.
Total Comment by Gwen: 1
I sent you e-mail…
Finally found a great #Wordpress banner advertising plugin from @minimus called Simple Ads Manager //t.co/m0elMCrV > Works great!
Excusez-moi pour le français, je ne parle pas anglais.
Est-ce qu’il est possible de faire tourner les pubs, même si on dne recharge pas la page internet, avec un réglage de 4 ou 5 secondes par exemple.
Merci d’avance pour votre réponse et bravo pour ce plugin, il est vrais efficace.
Total Comment by Yajoweb: 1
Unfortunately it can’t be made by plugin directly. You can try to make it independently using AJAX or iFrame…
Dear developer, I
m using LNMP server if it
s sensitive and set up your plugin. It works fine as banner rotation system, but Ive found an issue: Ad zones does not operate properly in case of dependecy of post category – in every category i see the same default ad or all the ads that could be placed to this ad zone.Need help!
Total Comments by robertkein: 10
And I have another sugegstion for you: I
m sure ot
s possible to add third parameter to function that calls banners, ad zones or other stuff. That parameter should count number of words after which ad should appear. It will let user to insert banner into text of post automatically.For example I have several sites with more that 1000 pages, but it`s absolutely impossible to insert ad codes into middle of posts manually.
Total Comments by robertkein: 10
SAM 1.4.44
What does it mean? If it
s future version of your plugin, how can i get it? or if it
s another plugin for WP, what is the full name?Total Comments by robertkein: 10
Just take it!
Thank you. Had not seen it yesterday.
Total Comments by robertkein: 10
Saying frankly, I see no difference:
I have three categories and three banners
One zone that says: show me banner 1 on all pages as default
show me banner 2 in category 1
show me banner 3 in category 2 and 3
m also useing widget Ad Zone which is placed in sidebar and function calling same ad zone in template
t see deafult ad in widget – no ad widget at all and the same situation on first category page.Result:
on the homepage I don
I see widget only on second and third category page but all the ads are being rotated there and I don`t see ad places in articles of any category in place where ad zone function iserted.
Wp is being operated on my denwer installation.
Total Comments by robertkein: 10
To get started please read this article…
For essence the question:
You must understand that the permitting logic of Ads Zones (AZ) can not overlap the permitting logic of Ads Places (AP). AZ is a higher level object and, therefore, can only enhance the restrictive logic of AP.
And after I defined ad places for ad zone in article and page, i can see random ads from 2 and third ad places in article text.
So, what shall I do to make targeting work?
Total Comments by robertkein: 10