Dear readers of my blog! I ask to consider this article as controllable information leakage.
Operation over the new version (version 4) of WordPress plug-in Special Text Boxes has started. As a matter of fact, now there is an works over jQuery plug-in which will be a basis of the new version. The first testing has shown that stb mapping of blocks of the text occurs to script usage absolutely equally in all browsers accessible to me, including IE (rounded corners, shadows, etc.).
The developed plug-in will use new technology of plotting on a canvas, in IE, accordingly VML-technology. That will allow to use more interesting дизаин and to increase quantity of user’s customisations. Operation is in a stage preAlpha, otherwise, right at the beginning. However some can be seen results right now.
It would be desirable to learn opinion of the people on necessity of so revolutionary changes. Whether it is necessary to continue operation in this direction or let all remains “as is” …
It is very important to me to know your opinion.
Thankful in advance!
P.S. Soon do not wait. It is necessary to do a lot of work.
© 2010, minimus. All rights reserved.
RT @minimus: New blog post: Special Text Boxes 4. Poll! //
Please continue improvements.
What do you use to generate the poll in stextbox?
Total Comments by Charlie: 11
Total Comments by minimus: 167
I hope the distribution of files css.. special text for each file css ..
I also hope support write from right to left ..
Total Comment by blog_ar: 1
please support RTL.css .
Total Comment by الشريف: 1
Total Comments by minimus: 167
immediately apologize for my bad English.
your plugin is really great and I just used the last post was just entered.
I ask you something you can click to bring down the whole caption text in the box? or just by the little arrow?
thanks and see you soon
Total Comments by prestiti inpdap: 2
My English is not very good. I do not understand what you are interested.
ability to click because sullla caption text to appear below.
Total Comments by prestiti inpdap: 2
hello minimus thank you for this great plugin but the problem am haveing is how to add it i try the code you said to use but it seems it not working
Highlighted text and/or short code(s)
Highlighted text and/or short code(s)
none of them work please can you help me.
Total Comment by James: 1
defined_id may be warning, alert, info, download, black, gray or custom…
Not working anymore…
Total Comments by Prestiti inpdap: 2
Are you going to update Special Text Boxes for the new WordPress Block Editor?
Total Comment by Dave Brown: 1
Yes… Coming soon…
I tried to update to the new 5.9.109 and it crashed my whole system – had to call host to turn off plugins to get back into dashboard. Now my site is crap as I had your plug in on every page and the code is all that is showing where the text box should be. I tried putting the older version back in and some of them are working and some not – which I find strange.
Any thoughts –
Total Comment by Deb C.: 1